
Viva Karadzic, Viva Kafka

O processo contra Karadzic tem um milhão de páginas. Se ele conseguir ler o texto - certamente não é leitura leve, e tem de ir relendo para não esquecer - ao ritmo de 20 páginas por dia precisa de mais de 135 anos chegar ao fim.

Ou seja, é impossível ele perceber do que é acusado.

Claro que o tribunal disponibiliza advogados de defesa. Advogados de defesa nomeados por quem nomeia os advogados de acusação é talvez a maior perversão da justiça.

Tenho poucas dúvidas que ele é culpado, mas mesmo os culpados "devem" ter direitos. Um deles é não serem julgados pelo Kafka.

E também gostava de saber quanto custou construir o dossier de acusação. E quem pagou. E quem recebeu. Isso explicaria muita coisa.

José Simões

"I ask Your Excellencies -- why and how is it possible that the prosecution is allowed to literally bury me under a million of pages, only to start disclosing relevant material many months after my arrest? Why and how is it possible that the prosecution is allowed to file its final indictment against me on the eve of the planned trial date?"


Novos "pirate bays"

Não percebem que se fecharem os pirate bay, logo outras pessoas, noutros locais, recolherão o seu lugar?

Este aqui parece um bom candidato.



Todo o suporte a Vaclav Klaus

To: the peoples of Europe

Dear Mr. Klaus,

On the 2nd of October 2009, Ireland voted "yes" to the Lisbon treaty after having been forced to vote again after their "no"-vote in 2008.

The Lisbon treaty effectively takes away the member states' sovereignity and independence, making them provinces in the EU-state. Both the EU Constitution itself and how it came about, shows the utter disregard that EU and the Eurocrats have for democracy and the people of Europe.

However, there is one small thread of hope left that could stop the Lisbon treaty. This hope is you, Vaclav Klaus, the Czech president.

You have so far courageously refused to sign the Lisbon treaty, despite intense pressure. If you continue to refuse to sign this treaty, you can delay it from going into effect until the Conservative Party in England wins the next election in the spring of 2010. When they do, the leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, will put the Lisbon treaty to a referendum, where it will most likely be voted down by the English.

Thus, if you decide not to sign the treaty you will have made it possible for this treaty to be thrown out, once and for all.

We realize that you will be under intense pressure from the EU-elite and Eurocrats, but as you have shown great character before, we hope that you will continue on that righteous path. There are millions and millions of Europeans that do not want this treaty, in fact, polls show that a majority of Europeans would vote "no" if they had the chance.

If you decide not to sign and ratify this treaty, you will be making history as an extraordinarily courageous statesman who saved Europe, its people and its nations, from the ever more undemocratic European Union.

We therefore humbly ask and encourage you to do the right thing and not sign the Lisbon treaty.

With all our support.


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